Monday, December 2, 2013

Web 3.0: The future? Only time will tell.

I think that the future of web browsing for personal and business reasons is indeed Web 3.0 as it is the next step in the evolution of the internet browser. Claims and predictions such as the ability for the web to analyze your wants, need, and likes when searching through your browser? Having Personal Assistant-like applications and search engines at your disposal? Who wouldn’t want that? Well these are very lofty goals that the creators, and the media, have put on those working on the project. In-fact I would say that the big question is when we will be able to see these changes start to take place.

Currently, when searching through the net, it will usually analyze your search as the keywords that will add up to bring forth the lists of websites to you. With Web 3.0, that will change in that it will adapt to you in a myriad of ways. Unfortunately, although we are almost there, I’ll venture to guess that it’ll take much more of tinkering and a little help of new (and newer) technology over the years, before we likely hit that next step towards that goal.

This is the major advantage that they have clamored for in the production and development of Web 3.0. This could play a negative role as well. Since there are so many unknowns, how much of our privacy do we need to compromise as we give away a part of our personal information and our likes/dislikes? I see a hole here, which could be taken advantage upon by hackers and identity thieves. Granted, we can remedy this by creating much stronger security on the internet, but there is just a lot of unknowns and risks as much as there is advantages.

Don’t get me wrong however as I still see what Web 3.0 can become. There are still legitimate reasons to be excited about its development, though there are reasons to be worried as well. Till that time comes however, the only thing we could do is predict and guess what exactly will it be capable of and how it will be handled.

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