Monday, September 23, 2013


Hello, and welcome to my blog! This shall be your one stop shop for all movie reviews, news, and opinions – straight from your everyday ordinary average movie goer/watcher person – that being myself of course!

Now a little background about my run-ins with movies, I wouldn’t exactly say I’m an avid movie watcher. If I did I wouldn’t be calling myself an average person when it comes to watching movies. However I will say that I’ve seen quite some movies since I can remember. From the various mediums of movies such as Laser-discs and VHS tapes, to DVD and Blu-Ray discs, and especially the newer streaming services such as Hulu and Netflix. I’ve had history with a good number of those movies, and this blog serves as an output for me to write on as I go on this journey in watching various movies.

I will strive to give your reviews about the movies I’ve watched each and every day, and hopefully entertain you with my reviews. I will also be giving out, from time to time, the latest movie news and my opinions about those pieces to change things up. However, you will still mostly see movie reviews rather than the news most days.

I hope that by doing this blog, I'm able to share an opinion of a particular movie (whether In-Theaters, DVD/Blu-Ray, or Cable/Satellite TV) that one is interested in. Thanks for checking out my blog and stay tuned for future updates.


  1. Do you only focus on Hollywood production films or will you be reviewing any indie/sun dance type films?

    1. Hey there Lawrence, thanks for visiting the blog! In regards to your question, I honestly do not know if I will strictly focus on mainstream Hollywood movies or branch out to other movies showcased in Indie and Sun dance Festivals. My goal with the blog is to review a good portion of whatever movies come my way in that span. Whether they will be big budget Hollywood movies or Indie films, I cannot say for the time being as I'm not sure what'll pique my interest.
