Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Look Into The Reviewing Method

Hello there again! I’m very sorry for the late update and I actually have no excuses for this post being this late. Nonetheless, I've updated this blog with this post to give a further look into the reviewing method I’ll be using. I’ll be using this method for all of the movies that I've seen as the semester goes by and I hope it’ll help inform others about what the movie was exactly about.

To start of this method, it’s pretty simple actually. I've split up my criteria into varying areas, all of which depend on the movie watched. However, of those, these will be the staple (as it is in every movie reviewing method): the plot of the movie, the cast of characters, and its soundtrack.

Through those criteria I will review the movie and give an opinion of the movie as well. In the end, at the conclusion of each review, I will of course give out a rating. The ratings will be as follows:

0 – I can’t recommend this movie.

1 – A Movie where its flaws greatly hinder the experience.

2 – Average Movie that, despite its many flaws, it can still be enjoyable.

3 – Good Movie with flaws holding it back from being a Great Movie.

4 – Great Movie with some flaws, still recommended.

5 – Excellent movie and highly recommended.

As you can see, I've decided to incorporate into this blog a very simple outline of my reviewing method. You can expect my next post to be my first review on this blog, and I’ll strive to have it up sooner rather than later for you to read. Again, I thank you for visiting this blog and please stay tuned for future updates!


  1. Some films get so much buzz that people just go to see them for that reason. One new film that has been getting excellent reviews mostly due to its special effects is "Gravity". Do you have any opinions about it?

  2. I'm a movie freak, too. Not much into Television, and really, don't have a lot of time for it. I'm glad you posted your opinion on the movie With Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. I wanted to see it, but I won't pay to go to the movies. I'm short, and everytime I go to the movies someone tall always has to sit right in front of me. LOL I love Sandra Bullock, she is one of my favorites to watch. George Clooney...I think he is over rated. I liked him in The Perfect Storm, but that was it. I think his mom had all the talent. I will be looking forward to your posts...I enjoy love stories or "chick flicks" the most, so I am definitely going to check out Before Sunset. I have a Netflix account, but sometimes the movies just look so boring or stupid, and I don't want to waste my time on something that isn't any good.

    1. Good question, I've yet to see the film but I've heard some great things about it, regardless of hype. I hope to watch it soon and give my review about it. Thanks for checking out the blog by the way!

  3. Would you consider a 5 to be a "Perfect" movie or a "Favorite"? Entertainment media rating are difficult for me to describe personally. I would not consider some of my favorite music albums to be perfect, but they have a certain charm that makes them special to me. Similarly, there are many albums that I would consider to be perfect in their respective genres, but I wouldn't consider a favorite of mine.

    1. I'd consider it a "Favorite" rather than "Perfect" movie. Achieving a perfect, in my opinion, is nigh impossible. So a 5 for me, should be something everyone should watch and is one of the best films in recent years.
