Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Flickr Slideshow

Hey all, I’ve created this quickly on Flickr so you could check it out. It’s not much really as it just shows pictures of movies I’ve reviewed/will review in the near future. Occasionally Ill post some other pictures related to my topic, but as for now this is what is on there. I’m quite fond of that set piece by Pacific Rim that I’ve found on the internet, it just shows how all the robots were designed for the movie and is pretty neat. However, of course the picture doesn’t begin to describe the power that is showcased in the movie. Everyone should give the movie a go, and before long I’ll post my review in the near future.



Monday, October 28, 2013

Review: Tron: Legacy 3D

The Good: Special Effects, Soundtrack, Action Scenes

The Bad: The Story, the Characters

Tidbit: Although considered a flop when it hit theaters, the original Tron movie developed a cult following.


28 years had gone by since the original movie had been released to the public in 1982. Although a flop, it gathered a cult following and that sparked the interest in producing a sequel. This wouldn’t come to fruition though till the mid-2000s. Fast forward to 2010, the movie was released at the end of the year and was considered a disappointment by most.

Having watched it on its opening day at an IMAX 3D Theater, and having a copy of the Blu-Ray 3D of the home video, I’ve seen it a number of times already. I’d very much like to agree with most reviews on this movie. While there were positives, there were also some negatives that truly hindered the movie and kept it from being a good-to-great movie rather than an average one.  I’ll have my verdict at the end, so without further to do, let’s get into it.


The year is 2009, and Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges), a former figure in the fictional ENCOM Company, has been missing from the life of his son, Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund), for 20 years now. Now living on his own, Sam Flynn (though he takes little interest in it) has become the primary shareholder of ENCOM. Needless to say a set of events and a strange message from an arcade his father once ventured in will change his life as he tries to find the whereabouts of his missing father.

Overall I found the story of Tron: Legacy to be decent at best, and is quite average in its writing with some things not making sense, and becomes predictable at points throughout the movie. This not unlike the original, as its story was also considered to be a weak point of the movie.


From a glance that cast seems that it would do the series right. From 2 of the original Tron cast members, Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner, and some new faces, Garrett Hedlund and Olivia Wilde, it would seem that it would’ve been alright. Things couldn’t be farther from the truth, as it was basically a hit or miss on the characters. Garrett Hedlund proved to be subpar for the role, in my opinion, as his character was devoid much of any reaction (if any at all) for most of the movie. Even Jeff Bridges was underwhelming in this iteration, whereas in the original he did an excellent job in the lead role. Much of the cast was about the same really, and this is why it was considered a weak point of the movie.
There were some impressive and enjoyable characters however, and these were played by newcomers Olivia Wilde and Martin Sheen. Martin Sheen’s character, the enigmatic Castor, was the highlight of the cast I would say. In the short moment he was on-screen, he did a better job than just about all of the other cast members. Olivia Wilde was also a better-than average choice for the character, Quorra, she played in the movie. She fit in perfectly well as she portrayed her character, with a naïve and childlike persona, yet strong willed occupant of the grid under the tutelage of Kevin Flynn.


Honestly, this probably comes down to music preference. If you’re fine with listening to Daft Punk for the entire movie, then you’ll enjoy it. The soundtrack was a strong point for me, as I felt it was in-tune with the setting of the movie, in a technological world like the grid. It fit very well and the transitions where great from scene-to-scene.
As for the special effects, there were some excellent CGI done in this film and it was a joy to watch it come to life on the theater screen. The revamped Grid was amazing in its design, as it should be, and the character designs and vehicles were classic Tron designs that were given a modern look. Unfortunately though I own the Blu-Ray 3D version of this movie, I have yet to watch it in 3D on my personal TV. I will however say, that when this movie was in theaters and I had watched the IMAX 3D showing, the 3D I noticed was well done as well as Frisbees and vehicles actually felt like they were popping of the screen. In general, I feel that the IMAX showings were the best showcase for the CGI used in the film as it was breathtaking. For me it’s close to the level that Avatar produced when it came out the year prior.


Overall, despite its flaws I still found it to be an enjoyable watch due to its action scenes, excellent CGI, and of course the amazing soundtrack. In my book it’s definitely something I’ll watch if just for the visuals and the soundtrack. Just don’t go in expecting for a great story, and you’ll be fine.


Monday, October 14, 2013

How Companies Can Use RSS Feeds


I had no luck finding articles on how specifically each company implements and uses RSS/Atom feeds, but I found this article that has a few details on how they can be used in a broad manner. The three things that stood out were the following:

  • Using RSS Feeders may possibly replace the current E-Mail system(s) in place.
  • Provide Information and Updates to Customers and Employees.
  • Using it to help the business in a more efficient manner by being specific in news delivered.
Granted, this article was written in 7 years prior, but I think it gives a general look into how exactly it was/is being used.

RSS Feeder and Short Podcast

      For the homework, the RSS Feed Reader I’ve used, considering Google Reader has been defunct since early this year, has been the web-based reader from feedly.com. It’s a successor to Google Reader in a way, as it allowed everyone to transfer their feeds from the aforementioned app to this one. It’s been very useful in helping me keep up-to-date with the blogs I visit and read about and is organized very well for you when you load up the website. It has a design that is not only looks slick, but also boasts a user-friendly interface. For its main features, it offers three layouts that you can choose from: 1) Title Only View – Name of Blog – Title of Post, 2) Magazine View – More detailed setup – Sorts out posts by date and puts “Popular” posts on top, and 3) Cards View – Same concept as the Magazine View, just sorts it out 3 posts per row. Regardless of the view selected it’s very easy to navigate through the blogs and the posts. Unfortunately however your reader is only limited to the most recent posts, and there is no way to go back and look at the older posts that was made at the blog. But besides that, it is still one of the best options out there, as far as RSS Feeders go, and it also has a mobile app so you can take it on the go as well.

      Podcast Link:

Podcast 10-14-2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Look Into The Reviewing Method

Hello there again! I’m very sorry for the late update and I actually have no excuses for this post being this late. Nonetheless, I've updated this blog with this post to give a further look into the reviewing method I’ll be using. I’ll be using this method for all of the movies that I've seen as the semester goes by and I hope it’ll help inform others about what the movie was exactly about.

To start of this method, it’s pretty simple actually. I've split up my criteria into varying areas, all of which depend on the movie watched. However, of those, these will be the staple (as it is in every movie reviewing method): the plot of the movie, the cast of characters, and its soundtrack.

Through those criteria I will review the movie and give an opinion of the movie as well. In the end, at the conclusion of each review, I will of course give out a rating. The ratings will be as follows:

0 – I can’t recommend this movie.

1 – A Movie where its flaws greatly hinder the experience.

2 – Average Movie that, despite its many flaws, it can still be enjoyable.

3 – Good Movie with flaws holding it back from being a Great Movie.

4 – Great Movie with some flaws, still recommended.

5 – Excellent movie and highly recommended.

As you can see, I've decided to incorporate into this blog a very simple outline of my reviewing method. You can expect my next post to be my first review on this blog, and I’ll strive to have it up sooner rather than later for you to read. Again, I thank you for visiting this blog and please stay tuned for future updates!