Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Flickr Slideshow

Hey all, I’ve created this quickly on Flickr so you could check it out. It’s not much really as it just shows pictures of movies I’ve reviewed/will review in the near future. Occasionally Ill post some other pictures related to my topic, but as for now this is what is on there. I’m quite fond of that set piece by Pacific Rim that I’ve found on the internet, it just shows how all the robots were designed for the movie and is pretty neat. However, of course the picture doesn’t begin to describe the power that is showcased in the movie. Everyone should give the movie a go, and before long I’ll post my review in the near future.




  1. This is a really cool slideshow! I just saw Pacific Rim, what a great movie. I love the views that you captured here. Great choices!

  2. I had the chance to see Tron Legacy, but not in 3D. I thought it was a pretty decent movie, as long as you have not seen the original Tron. I have also seen Inception and found it to be (as I am sure you have already been told) an absolutely amazing movie with the perfect cast and a deep plot. I have not seen the other two, and have never even heard of Army of Darkness. I will be interested to read your review of it so I can hear more about it!

  3. Inception has to be one of my all time favorite movies! Do you think he is still in the dream in the end? Also, on another note you can make the slide show link clickable by using the hyperlink button where you publish the post.
